In the way of people's welfare

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There are a total of 306 households, 1339 residents, and 414 families in the territory of Mirzo Olim MFY. These households were thoroughly surveyed and divided into categories by the deputy governor. 100% was included in the "ONLINE MAHALLA" electronic platform.
2 limited liability companies, 1 family enterprise, 5 sole proprietors and 3 craft business entities were established at the initiative of B. Eshmurodov, the assistant governor of the MFY named after Mirzo Olim, with a total of 20 employees. non-residents were recruited as workers or master-apprentices.
With the recommendation of B.Eshmurodov, 6 low-income and needy families in the region were provided with tools and equipment on the basis of subsidies to have their own source of income, and 16 citizens were given more than 3 hectares of land to establish farms and plant crops. work was organized. 108 citizens were registered as self-employed. All 16 citizens who received land in the social registers were registered as farmers and started their own businesses.
In addition, 43 unemployed citizens were provided with preferential loans based on the program "Each family is an entrepreneur", practical assistance was provided in the purchase of equipment, employment was ensured, and they got their own source of income.
       In particular, Hamdamov Husan Ziyodullayevich was provided with a preferential loan of 33.0 million soums, and furniture manufacturing equipment was provided, and a vacant building located in this neighborhood was rented and a furniture manufacturing workshop was established. In the same way, Ravshanova Zilola Mirzabekovna was given a preferential loan of 33 million soums, and 1 electric oven and 1 piece of dough kneading equipment were delivered, and a workshop for the production of mold bread with a capacity of 100 pieces at a time was established. Such reforms will certainly be continued!